‘Hello Character.AI Community! We’re about to take the Character.AI experience to a whole new level. Today, Character.AI is excited to launch Character Group Chat to the c.ai+ community. As promised, c.ai+ subscribers will enjoy an early preview to new and exciting features as we continue to unlock next gen capabilities! Character Group Chat will be rolling out to c.ai+ subscribers throughout the next few days. In Character Group Chat, users can interact with multiple AI Characters and humans in the same room. You can create meaningful connections, share ideas, and collaborate in real-time (just like a regular group chat!), not only with humans but with your favorite Characters as well. Character.AI was built on the universal interface of dialogue, and offers a unique way to explore the world of generative AI. Everyday we are inspired by the imaginative, creative, and helpful ways our Community engages with our platform. This new feature will make it easier for users to create and interact with a variety of Characters, together.’
Équilibrer la Numérisation et la Sobriété Numérique dans la Formation Professionnelle : Solutions Actuelles et Besoins Émergents
La formation professionnelle tout au long de la vie (FTLV) connaît une transformation significative dans le contexte actuel de numérisation