Vous repérez une histoire dans les nouvelles sur Internet avec le titre « Découverte révolutionnaire Les ordinateurs peuvent maintenant prédire avec précision le temps 2 mois à l’avance ». Cela semble intrigant. Mais est-ce vrai? Hmm, pas nécessairement. Figuring out what information you find online is real versus fake has always been challenging. But AI has turned this into an even trickier task. A recent survey conducted by cybersecurity provider Netskope found that many people were unable to distinguish between real news stories and those cooked up by AI. Also: 6 AI tools to supercharge your work and everyday life As a test, Netskope showed 1,000 people in the US and 500 in the UK a fake AI news story alongside a real one. Some 84% of those in the UK boasted that they were skilled at identifying a fake story, yet half of them chose the fake story as real. And in the US, 88% felt confident that they could spot a fake story, but 44% of them thought the AI-generated story was legit. To see how you would fare at spotting a fake AI story versus a real one, Netskope invites you to take its Fake news quiz. Here you’re presented with 12 different stories and challenged to guess whether you think each one is phony or legit.
Équilibrer la Numérisation et la Sobriété Numérique dans la Formation Professionnelle : Solutions Actuelles et Besoins Émergents
La formation professionnelle tout au long de la vie (FTLV) connaît une transformation significative dans le contexte actuel de numérisation